
class getdist.types.BestFit(fileName=None, setParamNameFile=None, want_fixed=False, max_posterior=True)[source]

Class holding the result of a likelihood minimization, inheriting from ParamResults. The data is read from a specific formatted text file (.minimum or .bestfit) as output by CosmoMC or Cobaya.

  • fileName – text file to load from, assumed to be in CosmoMC’s .minimum format

  • setParamNameFile – optional name of .paramnames file listing preferred parameter labels for the parameters

  • want_fixed – whether to include values of parameters that are not allowed to vary

  • max_posterior – whether the file is a maximum posterior (default) or maximum likelihood

class getdist.types.ConvergeStats(fileName=None, setParamNameFile=None, default=0, names=None, labels=None)[source]
  • fileName – name of .paramnames file to load from

  • setParamNameFile – override specific parameter names’ labels using another file

  • default – set to int>0 to automatically generate that number of default names and labels (param1, p_{1}, etc.)

  • names – a list of name strings to use

class getdist.types.LikeStats(fileName=None, setParamNameFile=None, default=0, names=None, labels=None)[source]

Stores likelihood-related statistics, including best-fit sample and extremal values of the N-D confidence region, inheriting from ParamResults. TODO: currently only saves to text, does not load full data from file

  • fileName – name of .paramnames file to load from

  • setParamNameFile – override specific parameter names’ labels using another file

  • default – set to int>0 to automatically generate that number of default names and labels (param1, p_{1}, etc.)

  • names – a list of name strings to use

class getdist.types.MargeStats(fileName=None, setParamNameFile=None, default=0, names=None, labels=None)[source]

Stores marginalized 1D parameter statistics, including mean, variance and confidence limits, inheriting from ParamResults.

Values are stored as attributes of the ParamInfo objects stored in self.names. Use par= margeStats.parWithName(‘xxx’) to get the ParamInfo for parameter xxx; Values stored are:

  • par.mean: parameter mean

  • par.err: standard deviation

  • limits: list of ParamLimit objects for the stored number of marginalized limits

For example to get the first and second lower limits (default 68% and 95%) for parameter xxx:


See ParamLimit for details of limits.

  • fileName – name of .paramnames file to load from

  • setParamNameFile – override specific parameter names’ labels using another file

  • default – set to int>0 to automatically generate that number of default names and labels (param1, p_{1}, etc.)

  • names – a list of name strings to use


Load from a plain text file


filename – file to load from

class getdist.types.ParamLimit(minmax, tag='two')[source]

Class containing information about a marginalized parameter limit.

  • lower – lower limit

  • upper – upper limit

  • twotail – True if a two-tail limit, False if one-tail

  • onetail_upper – True if one-tail upper limit

  • onetail_lower – True if one-tail lower limit

  • minmax – a [min,max] tuple with lower and upper limits. Entries be None if no limit.

  • tag – a text tag descibing the limit, one of [‘two’ | ‘>’ | ‘<’ | ‘none’]


Short text tag describing the type of limit (one-tail or two tail):

  • two: two-tail limit

  • >: a one-tail upper limit

  • <: a one-tail lower limit

  • none: no limits (both boundaries have high probability)


a text description of the type of limit. One of:

  • two tail

  • one tail upper limit

  • one tail lower limit

  • none

class getdist.types.ParamResults(fileName=None, setParamNameFile=None, default=0, names=None, labels=None)[source]

Base class for a set of parameter results, inheriting from ParamList, so that self.names is a list of ParamInfo instances for each parameter, which have attribute holding results for the different parameters.

  • fileName – name of .paramnames file to load from

  • setParamNameFile – override specific parameter names’ labels using another file

  • default – set to int>0 to automatically generate that number of default names and labels (param1, p_{1}, etc.)

  • names – a list of name strings to use

class getdist.types.ResultTable(ncol, results, limit=2, tableParamNames=None, titles=None, formatter=None, numFormatter=None, blockEndParams=None, paramList=None, refResults=None, shiftSigma_indep=False, shiftSigma_subset=False)[source]

Class for holding a latex table of parameter statistics

  • ncol – number of columns

  • results – a MargeStats or BestFit instance, or a list of them for comparing different results, or an MCSamples instance for white getMargeStats() will be called.

  • limit – which limit to include (1 is first limit calculated, usually 68%, 2 the second, usually 95%)

  • tableParamNames – optional ParamNames instance listing particular parameters to include

  • titles – optional titles describing different results

  • formatter – a table formatting class

  • numFormatter – a number formatting class

  • blockEndParams – mark parameters in blocks, ending on this list of parameter names

  • paramList – a list of parameter names (strings) to include

  • refResults – for showing parameter shifts, a reference MargeStats instance to show differences to

  • shiftSigma_indep – show parameter shifts in sigma assuming data are independent

  • shiftSigma_subset – show parameter shifts in sigma assuming data are a subset of each other

tablePNG(dpi=None, latex_preamble=None, filename=None, bytesIO=False)[source]

Get a .png file image of the table. You must have latex installed to use this.

  • dpi – dpi settings for the png

  • latex_preamble – any latex preamble

  • filename – filename to save to (defaults to file in the temp directory)

  • bytesIO – if True, return a BytesIO instance holding the .png data


if bytesIO, the BytesIO instance, otherwise name of the output file

tableTex(document=False, latex_preamble=None, packages=('amsmath', 'amssymb', 'bm'))[source]

Get the latex string for the table

  • document – if True, make a full latex file, if False just the snippet for including in another file

  • latex_preamble – any preamble to include in the latex file

  • packages – list of packages to load

write(fname, **kwargs)[source]

Write the latex for the table to a file

  • fname – filename to write

  • kwargs – arguments for tableTex()


Convert a floating point number to a Decimal with no loss of information