- getdist.mcsamples.loadMCSamples(file_root: str, ini: None | str | IniFile = None, jobItem=None, no_cache=False, settings: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, chain_exclude=None) MCSamples [source]
Loads a set of samples from a file or files.
Sample files are plain text (file_root.txt) or a set of files (file_root_1.txt, file_root_2.txt, etc.).
Auxiliary files file_root.paramnames gives the parameter names and (optionally) file_root.ranges gives hard prior parameter ranges.
For a description of the various analysis settings and default values see analysis_defaults.ini.
- Parameters:
file_root – The root name of the files to read (no extension)
ini – The name of a .ini file with analysis settings to use
jobItem – an optional grid jobItem instance for a CosmoMC grid output
no_cache – Indicates whether or not we should cache loaded samples in a pickle
settings – dictionary of analysis settings to override defaults
chain_exclude – A list of indexes to exclude, None to include all
- Returns:
- class getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples(root: str | None = None, jobItem=None, ini=None, settings: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, ranges=None, samples: ndarray | Iterable[ndarray] | None = None, weights: ndarray | Iterable[ndarray] | None = None, loglikes: ndarray | Iterable[ndarray] | None = None, temperature: float | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
The main high-level class for a collection of parameter samples.
Derives from
, adding high-level functions including Kernel Density estimates, parameter ranges and custom settings.For a description of the various analysis settings and default values see analysis_defaults.ini.
- Parameters:
root – A root file name when loading from file
jobItem – optional jobItem for parameter grid item. Should have jobItem.chainRoot and jobItem.batchPath
ini – a .ini file to use for custom analysis settings
settings – a dictionary of custom analysis settings
ranges – a dictionary giving any additional hard prior bounds for parameters, e.g. {‘x’:[0, 1], ‘y’:[None,2]}
samples – if not loading from file, array of parameter values for each sample, passed to
, or list of arrays if more than one chainweights – array of weights for samples, or list of arrays if more than one chain
loglikes – array of -log(Likelihood) for samples, or list of arrays if more than one chain
temperatute – temperature of the sample. If not specified will be read from the file if it exists and otherwise default to 1.
kwargs –
- keyword arguments passed to inherited classes, e.g. to manually make a samples object from
sample arrays in memory:
paramNamesFile: optional name of .paramnames file with parameter names
names: list of names for the parameters, or list of arrays if more than one chain
labels: list of latex labels for the parameters
renames: dictionary of parameter aliases
if int >=1: The number of rows to skip at the file in the beginning of the file
if float <1: The fraction of rows to skip at the beginning of the file
label: a latex label for the samples
name_tag: a name tag for this instance
sampler: string describing the type of samples; if “nested” or “uncorrelated” the effective number of samples is calculated using uncorrelated approximation. If not specified will be read from the file if it exists and otherwise default to “mcmc”.
- PCA(params, param_map=None, normparam=None, writeDataToFile=False, filename=None, conditional_params=(), n_best_only=None)[source]
Perform principal component analysis (PCA). In other words, get eigenvectors and eigenvalues for normalized variables with optional (log modulus) mapping to find power law fits.
- Parameters:
params – List of names of the parameters to use
param_map – A transformation to apply to parameter values; A list or string containing either N (no transformation) or L (for log transform) for each parameter. By default, uses log if no parameter values cross zero
normparam – optional name of parameter to normalize result (i.e. this parameter will have unit power)
writeDataToFile – True to write the output to file.
filename – The filename to write, by default root_name.PCA.
conditional_params – optional list of parameters to treat as fixed, i.e. for PCA conditional on fixed values of these parameters
n_best_only – return just the short summary constraint for the tightest n_best_only constraints
- Returns:
a string description of the output of the PCA
- addDerived(paramVec, name, label='', comment='', range=None)[source]
Adds a new derived parameter
- Parameters:
paramVec – The vector of parameter values to add. For example a combination of parameter arrays from MCSamples.getParams()
name – The name for the new parameter
label – optional latex label for the parameter
comment – optional comment describing the parameter
range – if specified, a tuple of min, max values for the new parameter hard prior bounds (either can be None for one-side bound)
- Returns:
The added parameter’s
- changeSamples(samples)
Sets the samples without changing weights and loglikes.
- Parameters:
samples – The samples to set
- confidence(paramVec, limfrac, upper=False, start=0, end=None, weights=None)
Calculate sample confidence limits, not using kernel densities just counting samples in the tails
- Parameters:
paramVec – array of parameter values or int index of parameter to use
limfrac – fraction of samples in the tail, e.g. 0.05 for a 95% one-tail limit, or 0.025 for a 95% two-tail limit
upper – True to get upper limit, False for lower limit
start – Start index for the vector to use
end – The end index, use None to go all the way to the end of the vector.
weights – numpy array of weights for each sample, by default self.weights
- Returns:
confidence limit (parameter value when limfac of samples are further in the tail)
- cool(cool=None)[source]
Cools the samples, i.e. multiplies log likelihoods by cool factor and re-weights accordingly :param cool: cool factor, optional if the sample has a temperature specified.
- copy(label=None, settings=None) MCSamples [source]
Create a copy of this sample object
- Parameters:
label – optional lable for the new copy
settings – optional modified settings for the new copy
- Returns:
- corr(pars=None)
Get the correlation matrix
- Parameters:
pars – If specified, list of parameter vectors or int indices to use
- Returns:
The correlation matrix.
- cov(pars=None, where=None)
Get parameter covariance
- Parameters:
pars – if specified, a list of parameter vectors or int indices to use
where – if specified, a filter for the samples to use (where x>=5 would mean only process samples with x>=5).
- Returns:
The covariance matrix
- deleteFixedParams()
Delete parameters that are fixed (the same value in all samples)
- deleteZeros()
Removes samples with zero weight
- filter(where)
Filter the stored samples to keep only samples matching filter
- Parameters:
where – list of sample indices to keep, or boolean array filter (e.g. x>5 to keep only samples where x>5)
- get1DDensity(name, **kwargs)[source]
Returns a
instance for parameter with given name. Result is cached.- Parameters:
name – name of the parameter
kwargs – arguments for
- Returns:
instance for parameter with given name
- get1DDensityGridData(j, paramConfid=None, meanlikes=False, **kwargs)[source]
Low-level function to get a
instance for the marginalized 1D density of a parameter. Result is not cached.- Parameters:
j – a name or index of the parameter
paramConfid – optional cached
instancemeanlikes – include mean likelihoods
kwargs –
optional settings to override instance settings of the same name (see analysis_settings):
- Returns:
- get2DDensity(x, y, normalized=False, **kwargs)[source]
Returns a
instance with marginalized 2D density.- Parameters:
x – index or name of x parameter
y – index or name of y parameter
normalized – if False, is normalized so the maximum is 1, if True, density is normalized
kwargs – keyword arguments for the
- Returns:
- get2DDensityGridData(j, j2, num_plot_contours=None, get_density=False, meanlikes=False, **kwargs)[source]
Low-level function to get 2D plot marginalized density and optional additional plot data.
- Parameters:
j – name or index of the x parameter
j2 – name or index of the y parameter.
num_plot_contours – number of contours to calculate and return in density.contours
get_density – only get the 2D marginalized density, don’t calculate confidence level members
meanlikes – calculate mean likelihoods as well as marginalized density (returned as array in density.likes)
kwargs –
optional settings to override instance settings of the same name (see analysis_settings):
- Returns:
- getAutoBandwidth1D(bins, par, param, mult_bias_correction_order=None, kernel_order=1, N_eff=None)[source]
Get optimized kernel density bandwidth (in units of the range of the bins) Based on optimal Improved Sheather-Jones bandwidth for basic Parzen kernel, then scaled if higher-order method being used. For details see the notes at arXiv:1910.13970.
- Parameters:
bins – numpy array of binned weights for the samples
par – A
instance for the parameter to analyseparam – index of the parameter to use
mult_bias_correction_order – order of multiplicative bias correction (0 is basic Parzen kernel); by default taken from instance settings.
kernel_order – order of the kernel (0 is Parzen, 1 does linear boundary correction, 2 is a higher-order kernel)
N_eff – effective number of samples. If not specified estimated using weights, autocorrelations, and fiducial bandwidth
- Returns:
kernel density bandwidth (in units the range of the bins)
- getAutoBandwidth2D(bins, parx, pary, paramx, paramy, corr, rangex, rangey, base_fine_bins_2D, mult_bias_correction_order=None, min_corr=0.2, N_eff=None, use_2D_Neff=False)[source]
Get optimized kernel density bandwidth matrix in parameter units, using Improved Sheather Jones method in sheared parameters. The shearing is determined using the covariance, so you know the distribution is multi-modal, potentially giving ‘fake’ correlation, turn off shearing by setting min_corr=1. For details see the notes arXiv:1910.13970.
- Parameters:
bins – 2D numpy array of binned weights
parx – A
instance for the x parameterpary – A
instance for the y parameterparamx – index of the x parameter
paramy – index of the y parameter
corr – correlation of the samples
rangex – scale in the x parameter
rangey – scale in the y parameter
base_fine_bins_2D – number of bins to use for re-binning in rotated parameter space
mult_bias_correction_order – multiplicative bias correction order (0 is Parzen kernel); by default taken from instance settings
min_corr – minimum correlation value at which to bother de-correlating the parameters
N_eff – effective number of samples. If not specified, uses rough estimate that accounts for weights and strongly-correlated nearby samples (see notes)
use_2D_Neff – if N_eff not specified, whether to use 2D estimate of effective number, or approximate from the 1D results (default from use_effective_samples_2D setting)
- Returns:
kernel density bandwidth matrix in parameter units
- getAutocorrelation(paramVec, maxOff=None, weight_units=True, normalized=True)
Gets auto-correlation of an array of parameter values (e.g. for correlated samples from MCMC)
By default, uses weight units (i.e. standard units for separate samples from original chain). If samples are made from multiple chains, neglects edge effects.
- Parameters:
paramVec – an array of parameter values, or the int index of the parameter in stored samples to use
maxOff – maximum autocorrelation distance to return
weight_units – False to get result in sample point (row) units; weight_units=False gives standard definition for raw chains
normalized – Set to False to get covariance (note even if normalized, corr[0]<>1 in general unless weights are unity).
- Returns:
zero-based array giving auto-correlations
- getBestFit(max_posterior=True)[source]
Returns a
object with best-fit point stored in .minimum or .bestfit file- Parameters:
max_posterior – whether to get maximum posterior (from .minimum file) or maximum likelihood (from .bestfit file)
- Returns:
- getBounds()[source]
Returns the bounds in the form of a
instance, for example for determining plot rangesBounds are not the same as self.ranges, as if samples are not near the range boundary, the bound is set to None
- Returns:
- getCombinedSamplesWithSamples(samps2, sample_weights=(1, 1))[source]
Make a new
instance by appending samples from samps2 for parameters which are in common. By defaultm they are weighted so that the probability mass of each set of samples is the same, independent of tha actual sample sizes. The sample_weights parameter can be adjusted to change the relative weighting.
- getConvergeTests(test_confidence=0.95, writeDataToFile=False, what=('MeanVar', 'GelmanRubin', 'SplitTest', 'RafteryLewis', 'CorrLengths'), filename=None, feedback=False)[source]
Do convergence tests.
- Parameters:
test_confidence – confidence limit to test for convergence (two-tail, only applies to some tests)
writeDataToFile – True to write output to a file
what –
The tests to run. Should be a list of any of the following:
’MeanVar’: Gelman-Rubin sqrt(var(chain mean)/mean(chain var)) test in individual parameters (multiple chains only)
’GelmanRubin’: Gelman-Rubin test for the worst orthogonalized parameter (multiple chains only)
’SplitTest’: Crude test for variation in confidence limits when samples are split up into subsets
’RafteryLewis’: Raftery-Lewis test (integer weight samples only)
’CorrLengths’: Sample correlation lengths
filename – The filename to write to, default is file_root.converge
feedback – If set to True, Prints the output as well as returning it.
- Returns:
text giving the output of the tests
Gets a list of most correlated variable pair names.
- Parameters:
num_plots – The number of plots
nparam – maximum number of pairs to get
- Returns:
list of [x,y] pair names
- getCorrelationLength(j, weight_units=True, min_corr=0.05, corr=None)
Gets the auto-correlation length for parameter j
- Parameters:
j – The index of the parameter to use
weight_units – False to get result in sample point (row) units; weight_units=False gives standard definition for raw chains
min_corr – specifies a minimum value of the autocorrelation to use, e.g. where sampling noise is typically as large as the calculation
corr – The auto-correlation array to use, calculated internally by default using
- Returns:
the auto-correlation length
- getCorrelationMatrix()
Get the correlation matrix of all parameters
- Returns:
The correlation matrix
- getCov(nparam=None, pars=None)
Get covariance matrix of the parameters. By default, uses all parameters, or can limit to max number or list.
- Parameters:
nparam – if specified, only use the first nparam parameters
pars – if specified, a list of parameter indices (0,1,2..) to include
- Returns:
covariance matrix.
- getCovMat()[source]
Gets the CovMat instance containing covariance matrix for all the non-derived parameters (for example useful for subsequent MCMC runs to orthogonalize the parameters)
- Returns:
object holding the covariance
- getEffectiveSamples(j=0, min_corr=0.05)
Gets effective number of samples N_eff so that the error on mean of parameter j is sigma_j/N_eff
- Parameters:
j – The index of the param to use.
min_corr – the minimum value of the auto-correlation to use when estimating the correlation length
- getEffectiveSamplesGaussianKDE(paramVec, h=0.2, scale=None, maxoff=None, min_corr=0.05)
Roughly estimate an effective sample number for use in the leading term for the MISE (mean integrated squared error) of a Gaussian-kernel KDE (Kernel Density Estimate). This is used for optimizing the kernel bandwidth, and though approximate should be better than entirely ignoring sample correlations, or only counting distinct samples.
Uses fiducial assumed kernel scale h; result does depend on this (typically by factors O(2))
For bias-corrected KDE only need very rough estimate to use in rule of thumb for bandwidth.
In the limit h-> 0 (but still >0) answer should be correct (then just includes MCMC rejection duplicates). In reality correct result for practical h should depend on shape of the correlation function.
If self.sampler is ‘nested’ or ‘uncorrelated’ return result for uncorrelated samples.
- Parameters:
paramVec – parameter array, or int index of parameter to use
h – fiducial assumed kernel scale.
scale – a scale parameter to determine fiducial kernel width, by default the parameter standard deviation
maxoff – maximum value of auto-correlation length to use
min_corr – ignore correlations smaller than this auto-correlation
- Returns:
A very rough effective sample number for leading term for the MISE of a Gaussian KDE.
- getEffectiveSamplesGaussianKDE_2d(i, j, h=0.3, maxoff=None, min_corr=0.05)
Roughly estimate an effective sample number for use in the leading term for the 2D MISE. If self.sampler is ‘nested’ or ‘uncorrelated’ return result for uncorrelated samples.
- Parameters:
i – parameter array, or int index of first parameter to use
j – parameter array, or int index of second parameter to use
h – fiducial assumed kernel scale.
maxoff – maximum value of auto-correlation length to use
min_corr – ignore correlations smaller than this auto-correlation
- Returns:
A very rough effective sample number for leading term for the MISE of a Gaussian KDE.
- getFractionIndices(weights, n)[source]
Calculates the indices of weights that split the weights into sets of equal 1/n fraction of the total weight
- Parameters:
weights – array of weights
n – number of groups to split into
- Returns:
array of indices of the boundary rows in the weights array
- getGelmanRubin(nparam=None, chainlist=None)
Assess the convergence using the maximum var(mean)/mean(var) of orthogonalized parameters c.f. Brooks and Gelman 1997.
- Parameters:
nparam – The number of parameters, by default uses all
chainlist – list of
, the samples to use. Defaults to all the separate chains in this instance.
- Returns:
The worst var(mean)/mean(var) for orthogonalized parameters. Should be <<1 for good convergence.
- getGelmanRubinEigenvalues(nparam=None, chainlist=None)
Assess convergence using var(mean)/mean(var) in the orthogonalized parameters c.f. Brooks and Gelman 1997.
- Parameters:
nparam – The number of parameters (starting at first), by default uses all of them
chainlist – list of
, the samples to use. Defaults to all the separate chains in this instance.
- Returns:
array of var(mean)/mean(var) for orthogonalized parameters
- getInlineLatex(param, limit=1, err_sig_figs=None)[source]
Get snippet like: A=x\pm y. Will adjust appropriately for one and two tail limits.
- Parameters:
param – The name of the parameter
limit – which limit to get, 1 is the first (default 68%), 2 is the second (limits array specified by self.contours)
err_sig_figs – significant figures in the error
- Returns:
The tex snippet.
- getLabel()
Return the latex label for the samples
- Returns:
the label
- getLatex(params=None, limit=1, err_sig_figs=None)[source]
Get tex snippet for constraints on a list of parameters
- Parameters:
params – list of parameter names, or a single parameter name
limit – which limit to get, 1 is the first (default 68%), 2 is the second (limits array specified by self.contours)
err_sig_figs – significant figures in the error
- Returns:
labels, texs: a list of parameter labels, and a list of tex snippets, or for a single parameter, the latex snippet.
- getLikeStats()[source]
Get best fit sample and n-D confidence limits, and various likelihood based statistics
- Returns:
instance storing N-D limits for parameter i in result.names[i].ND_limit_top, result.names[i].ND_limit_bot, and best-fit sample value in result.names[i].bestfit_sample
- getLower(name)[source]
Return the lower limit of the parameter with the given name.
- Parameters:
name – parameter name
- Returns:
The lower limit if name exists, None otherwise.
- getMargeStats(include_bestfit=False)[source]
Returns a
object with marginalized 1D parameter constraints- Parameters:
include_bestfit – if True, set best fit values by loading from root_name.minimum file (assuming it exists)
- Returns:
- getMeans(pars=None)
Gets the parameter means, from saved array if previously calculated.
- Parameters:
pars – optional list of parameter indices to return means for
- Returns:
numpy array of parameter means
- getName()
Returns the name tag of these samples.
- Returns:
The name tag
- getNumSampleSummaryText()[source]
Returns a summary text describing numbers of parameters and samples, and various measures of the effective numbers of samples.
- Returns:
The summary text as a string.
- getParamBestFitDict(best_sample=False, want_derived=True, want_fixed=True, max_posterior=True)[source]
Gets a dictionary of parameter values for the best fit point, assuming calculated results from mimimization runs in .minimum (max posterior) .bestfit (max likelihood) files exists.
Can also get the best-fit (max posterior) sample, which typically has a likelihood that differs significantly from the true best fit in high dimensions.
- Parameters:
best_sample – load from global minimum files (False, default) or using maximum posterior sample (True)
want_derived – include derived parameters
want_fixed – also include values of any fixed parameters
max_posterior – whether to get maximum posterior (from .minimum file) or maximum likelihood (from .bestfit file)
- Returns:
dictionary of parameter values
- getParamNames()
object with names for the parameters- Returns:
object giving parameter names and labels
- getParamSampleDict(ix, want_derived=True, want_fixed=True)[source]
Gets a dictionary of parameter values for sample number ix
- Parameters:
ix – index of the sample to return (zero based)
want_derived – include derived parameters
want_fixed – also include values of any fixed parameters
- Returns:
dictionary of parameter values
- getParams()
Creates a
object, with variables giving vectors for all the parameters, for example samples.getParams().name1 would be the vector of samples with name ‘name1’- Returns:
object containing all the parameter vectors, with attributes given by the parameter names
- getRawNDDensity(xs, normalized=False, **kwargs)[source]
Returns a
instance with marginalized ND density.- Parameters:
xs – indices or names of x_i parameters
kwargs – keyword arguments for the
functionnormalized – if False, is normalized so the maximum is 1, if True, density is normalized
- Returns:
- getRawNDDensityGridData(js, writeDataToFile=False, num_plot_contours=None, get_density=False, meanlikes=False, maxlikes=False, **kwargs)[source]
Low-level function to get unsmooth ND plot marginalized density and optional additional plot data.
- Parameters:
js – vector of names or indices of the x_i parameters
writeDataToFile – save outputs to file
num_plot_contours – number of contours to calculate and return in density.contours
get_density – only get the ND marginalized density, no additional plot data, no contours.
meanlikes – calculate mean likelihoods as well as marginalized density (returned as array in density.likes)
maxlikes – calculate the profile likelihoods in addition to the others (returned as array in density.maxlikes)
kwargs – optional settings to override instance settings of the same name (see analysis_settings):
- Returns:
- getRenames()
Gets dictionary of renames known to each parameter.
- getSeparateChains() List[WeightedSamples]
Gets a list of samples for separate chains. If the chains have already been combined, uses the stored sample offsets to reconstruct the array (generally no array copying)
- Returns:
The list of
for each chain.
- getSignalToNoise(params, noise=None, R=None, eigs_only=False)
Returns w, M, where w is the eigenvalues of the signal to noise (small y better constrained)
- Parameters:
params – list of parameters indices to use
noise – noise matrix
R – rotation matrix, defaults to inverse of Cholesky root of the noise matrix
eigs_only – only return eigenvalues
- Returns:
w, M, where w is the eigenvalues of the signal to noise (small y better constrained)
- getTable(columns=1, include_bestfit=False, **kwargs)[source]
Creates and returns a
instance. See alsogetInlineLatex()
.- Parameters:
columns – number of columns in the table
include_bestfit – True to include the bestfit parameter values (assuming set)
kwargs – arguments for
- Returns:
- getUpper(name)[source]
Return the upper limit of the parameter with the given name.
- Parameters:
name – parameter name
- Returns:
The upper limit if name exists, None otherwise.
- getVars()
Get the parameter variances
- Returns:
A numpy array of variances.
- get_norm(where=None)
gets the normalization, the sum of the sample weights: sum_i w_i
- Parameters:
where – if specified, a filter for the samples to use (where x>=5 would mean only process samples with x>=5).
- Returns:
- initParamConfidenceData(paramVec, start=0, end=None, weights=None)
Initialize cache of data for calculating confidence intervals
- Parameters:
paramVec – array of parameter values or int index of parameter to use
start – The sample start index to use
end – The sample end index to use, use None to go all the way to the end of the vector
weights – A numpy array of weights for each sample, defaults to self.weights
- Returns:
- initParameters(ini)[source]
Initializes settings. Gets parameters from
.- Parameters:
ini – The
to be used
- loadChains(root, files_or_samples: Sequence, weights=None, loglikes=None, ignore_lines=None)
Loads chains from files.
- Parameters:
root – Root name
files_or_samples – list of file names or list of arrays of samples, or single array of samples
weights – if loading from arrays of samples, corresponding list of arrays of weights
loglikes – if loading from arrays of samples, corresponding list of arrays of -log(likelihood)
ignore_lines – Amount of lines at the start of the file to ignore, None not to ignore any
- Returns:
True if loaded successfully, False if none loaded
- makeSingle()
Combines separate chains into one samples array, so self.samples has all the samples and this instance can then be used as a general
instance.- Returns:
- makeSingleSamples(filename='', single_thin=None, random_state=None)[source]
Make file of unit weight samples by choosing samples with probability proportional to their weight.
If you just want the indices of the samples use
instead.- Parameters:
filename – The filename to write to, leave empty if no output file is needed
single_thin – factor to thin by; if not set generates as many samples as it can up to self.max_scatter_points
random_state – random seed or Generator
- Returns:
numpy array of selected weight-1 samples if no filename
- mean(paramVec, where=None)
Get the mean of the given parameter vector.
- Parameters:
paramVec – array of parameter values or int index of parameter to use
where – if specified, a filter for the samples to use (where x>=5 would mean only process samples with x>=5).
- Returns:
parameter mean
- mean_diff(paramVec, where=None)
Calculates an array of differences between a parameter vector and the mean parameter value
- Parameters:
paramVec – array of parameter values or int index of parameter to use
where – if specified, a filter for the samples to use (where x>=5 would mean only process samples with x>=5).
- Returns:
array of p_i - mean(p_i)
- mean_diffs(pars: None | int | Sequence = None, where=None) Sequence
Calculates a list of parameter vectors giving distances from parameter means
- Parameters:
pars – if specified, list of parameter vectors or int parameter indices to use
where – if specified, a filter for the samples to use (where x>=5 would mean only process samples with x>=5).
- Returns:
list of arrays p_i-mean(p-i) for each parameter
- parLabel(i)[source]
Gets the latex label of the parameter
- Parameters:
i – The index or name of a parameter.
- Returns:
The parameter’s label.
- parName(i, starDerived=False)[source]
Gets the name of i’th parameter
- Parameters:
i – The index of the parameter
starDerived – add a star at the end of the name if the parameter is derived
- Returns:
The name of the parameter (string)
- random_single_samples_indices(random_state=None, thin: float | None = None, max_samples: int | None = None)
Returns an array of sample indices that give a list of weight-one samples, by randomly selecting samples depending on the sample weights
- Parameters:
random_state – random seed or Generator
thin – additional thinning factor (>1 to get fewer samples)
max_samples – optional parameter to thin to get a specified mean maximum number of samples
- Returns:
array of sample indices
- readChains(files_or_samples, weights=None, loglikes=None)[source]
Loads samples from a list of files or array(s), removing burn in, deleting fixed parameters, and combining into one self.samples array
- Parameters:
files_or_samples – The list of file names to read, samples or list of samples
weights – array of weights if setting from arrays
loglikes – array of -log(likelihood) if setting from arrays
- Returns:
- removeBurn(remove=0.3)
removes burn in from the start of the samples
- Parameters:
remove – fraction of samples to remove, or if int >1, the number of sample rows to remove
- removeBurnFraction(ignore_frac)
Remove a fraction of the samples as burn in
- Parameters:
ignore_frac – fraction of sample points to remove from the start of the samples, or each chain if not combined
- reweightAddingLogLikes(logLikes)
Importance sample the samples, by adding logLike (array of -log(likelihood values)) to the currently stored likelihoods, and re-weighting accordingly, e.g. for adding a new data constraint
- Parameters:
logLikes – array of -log(likelihood) for each sample to adjust
- saveAsText(root, chain_index=None, make_dirs=False)
Saves the samples as text files, including parameter names as .paramnames file.
- Parameters:
root – The root name to use
chain_index – Optional index to be used for the filename, zero based, e.g. for saving one of multiple chains
make_dirs – True if this should (recursively) create the directory if it doesn’t exist
- savePickle(filename)
Save the current object to a file in pickle format
- Parameters:
filename – The file to write to
- saveTextMetadata(root, properties=None)[source]
Saves metadata about the sames to text files with given file root
- Parameters:
root – root file name
properties – optional dictiory of values to save in
- setColData(coldata, are_chains=True)
Set the samples given an array loaded from file
- Parameters:
coldata – The array with columns of [weights, -log(Likelihoods)] and sample parameter values
are_chains – True if coldata starts with two columns giving weight and -log(Likelihood)
- setDiffs()
saves self.diffs array of parameter differences from the y, e.g. to later calculate variances etc.
- Returns:
array of differences
- setMeans()
Calculates and saves the means of the samples
- Returns:
numpy array of parameter means
- setMinWeightRatio(min_weight_ratio=1e-30)
Removes samples with weight less than min_weight_ratio times the maximum weight
- Parameters:
min_weight_ratio – minimum ratio to max to exclude
- setParamNames(names=None)
Sets the names of the params.
- Parameters:
names – Either a
object, the name of a .paramnames file to load, a list of name strings, otherwise use default names (param1, param2…).
- setParams(obj)
Adds array variables obj.name1, obj.name2 etc., where obj.name1 is the vector of samples with name ‘name1’
if a parameter name is of the form, it makes subobjects so that you can reference If and aa are both parameter names, then aa becomes obj.aa.value.
- Parameters:
obj – The object instance to add the parameter vectors variables
- Returns:
The obj after alterations.
- setRanges(ranges)[source]
Sets the ranges parameters, e.g. hard priors on positivity etc. If a min or max value is None, then it is assumed to be unbounded.
- Parameters:
ranges – A list or a tuple of [min,max] values for each parameter, or a dictionary giving [min,max] values for specific parameter names
- setSamples(samples, weights=None, loglikes=None, min_weight_ratio=None)
Sets the samples from numpy arrays
- Parameters:
samples – The sample values, n_samples x n_parameters numpy array, or can be a list of parameter vectors
weights – Array of weights for each sample. Defaults to 1 for all samples if unspecified.
loglikes – Array of -log(Likelihood) values for each sample
min_weight_ratio – remove samples with weight less than min_weight_ratio of the maximum
- std(paramVec, where=None)
Get the standard deviation of the given parameter vector.
- Parameters:
paramVec – array of parameter values or int index of parameter to use
where – if specified, a filter for the samples to use (where x>=5 would mean only process samples with x>=5).
- Returns:
parameter standard deviation.
- thin(factor: int)
Thin the samples by the given factor, giving set of samples with unit weight
- Parameters:
factor – The factor to thin by
- thin_indices(factor, weights=None)
Indices to make single weight 1 samples. Assumes integer weights.
- Parameters:
factor – The factor to thin by, should be int.
weights – The weights to thin, None if this should use the weights stored in the object.
- Returns:
array of indices of samples to keep
- static thin_indices_and_weights(factor, weights)
Returns indices and new weights for use when thinning samples.
- Parameters:
factor – thin factor
weights – initial weight (counts) per sample point
- Returns:
(unique index, counts) tuple of sample index values to keep and new weights
- twoTailLimits(paramVec, confidence)
Calculates two-tail equal-area confidence limit by counting samples in the tails
- Parameters:
paramVec – array of parameter values or int index of parameter to use
confidence – confidence limit to calculate, e.g. 0.95 for 95% confidence
- Returns:
min, max values for the confidence interval
- updateBaseStatistics()[source]
Updates basic computed statistics (y, covariance etc.), e.g. after a change in samples or weights
- Returns:
- updateRenames(renames)
Updates the renames known to each parameter with the given dictionary of renames.
- updateSettings(settings: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, ini: None | str | IniFile = None, doUpdate=True)[source]
Updates settings from a .ini file or dictionary
- Parameters:
settings – A dict containing settings to set, taking preference over any values in ini
ini – The name of .ini file to get settings from, or an
instance; by default uses current settingsdoUpdate – True if we should update internal computed values, False otherwise (e.g. if you want to make other changes first)
- var(paramVec, where=None)
Get the variance of the given parameter vector.
- Parameters:
paramVec – array of parameter values or int index of parameter to use
where – if specified, a filter for the samples to use (where x>=5 would mean only process samples with x>=5).
- Returns:
parameter variance
- weighted_sum(paramVec, where=None)
Calculates the weighted sum of a parameter vector, sum_i w_i p_i
- Parameters:
paramVec – array of parameter values or int index of parameter to use
where – if specified, a filter for the samples to use (where x>=5 would mean only process samples with x>=5).
- Returns:
weighted sum
- weighted_thin(factor: int)
Thin the samples by the given factor, giving (in general) non-unit integer weights. This function also preserves separate chains.
- Parameters:
factor – The (integer) factor to thin by
- writeCorrelationMatrix(filename=None)[source]
Write the correlation matrix to a file
- Parameters:
filename – The file to write to, If none writes to file_root.corr
- exception getdist.mcsamples.MCSamplesError[source]
An Exception that is raised when there is an error inside the MCSamples class.
- exception getdist.mcsamples.ParamError[source]
An Exception that indicates a bad parameter.
- exception getdist.mcsamples.SettingError[source]
An Exception that indicates bad settings.